Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Good Lord!!
Last update was November 5? And here it is past Christmas...
Where to start? I guess the biggest news for the PSC is the granting of space at the Cultural Center and the building and erecting of the new Sailing Shack that happened over a week ago now. So, if you haven't been sailing over the holiday season, shame on you, but now you'll find a 6'x6'x9' high shed beside the security shack at the cultural center. The same old lock is on the shackle and the key is hanging behind the shed for now. I will be tallying who has paid their dues for the '08 season and sending out a reminder email in early January. After that point I will only be sending out emails to paid members of the club for upcoming events etc. and I will be changing the lock to a combination lock for members knowledge only.

So, if you are still interested in sailing our Hobies but have not paid up yet, please make arrangements to do so.

I will be posting another entry with a few pics in the next while. Please check back again.