Great social last night and great turn out. Thanks to all for showing up and offering your input and suggestions. I will do another note later on in preparation for the AGM next month that pulls some of the suggestions together. One thought after last night that I had was I don't see why we couldn't do a monthly social (perhaps on a Wednesday next time to allow the Rugby Dudes to join us) followed up on Sunday with a race day. As long as Rickey allows us to take over some space at his restaurant - we'll continue to call it our "Clubhouse" for the time being. I think it is a Win-Win for all.
That said, let's race on Sunday morning this weekend at 10am. I'm game to get as many people out there as we can and Mike is willing to have a few of his boats available for us. Typically what we do is all chip in $10 to go toward Mike's boats and for his help in setting the course etc. Any $ left over gets put into the bank for the future. This Sunday will be an exception as we did not bring this up at the meeting. The PSC will pick up Mike's tab and next time around we will be more organized on setting up a race day - certainly more notice.
The pic below is of Karl, Wes, Jeff Campbell, a friend of Jeff's and Noel Percival when we all sailed to Sailing Paradise together to join up with the Sloop Captains from the Maritime Heritage Federation earlier this year. It was a great down wind sail and very cool to be out on the water racing alongside the 25' to 30' sloops. Definitely needs to happen more.
So, see y'all on Sunday morning. I'd like to get out on the water by 10 am so if people showed up at 9:30 to help rig boats and do a rigging refresher course for those with less experience, that would be great. If we all chip in and rig boats together it doesn't take long to get out there.
Bye for now!
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